Why Opus?

The Opus Difference

Operational Expertise (Extensive Tools Integrations)

Opus Security leverages the extensive SecOps expertise of our founders, Meny and Or, who mastered the complexities of security operations during their time at Siemplify (Acquired by Google). Their deep understanding of the gaps and inefficiencies inherent in today's remediation processes shaped Opus' ability to orchestrate remediation processes effectively.

Opus recognizes that today's remediation challenges are more about operational coordination than merely technical knowledge, and therefore provides a unified platform that orchestrates the full remediation process by enhancing visibility and manageability across your entire security ecosystem, integrating seamlessly with a wide array of security tools and technologies.

Automation Capabilities

Transforming remediation from a labor-intensive, manually-managed process to a streamlined, well-orchestrated operation is a priority for Opus. Opus employs sophisticated automation rules and workflows that dramatically reduce manual effort and speed up the remediation process, automating the entire remediation lifecycle from identification to resolution.

Opus employs advanced algorithms to help security teams focus on high-impact vulnerabilities rather than be bogged down by repetitive manual processes, with features like automated ownership detection, alert de-duplication, and root cause analysis. Opus reduces manual efforts by up to 90%, and the mean time-to-resolution  (MTTR) is reduced by 75%.

Organizational Adaptation

Whether you run a small team or a large enterprise with distributed teams, Opus Security's platform has been designed to fit seamlessly into any organizational structure.

Every team member can perform their tasks efficiently with the right level of access and context thanks to Opus' flexible, hierarchical access control, customizable security inboxes, and customizable reporting. Opus fosters a collaborative environment between security and development teams by adapting to your organization's needs.

Strategic Prioritization of Security Threats

Not all vulnerabilities are created equal. Opus evaluates each alert within its business and environmental context, prioritizing those that pose the highest risk to your organizational and business goals.

This tailored prioritization assesses potential impact, exploitability, and business criticality, aligning security efforts with business objectives. Our approach ensures that your team focuses on the most pressing threats, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Experience the Opus difference with our advanced remediation platform.

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